Friday 17 November 2017

Trying To Get Rid Of Gas In Your Ostomy Pouch?

Nobody likes someone who is gassy. I can remember back to this specific time in middle school when this kid named Gerald lit up the entire Spanish class with one of the nastiest farts that I have ever had the displeasure of smelling in my entire life. The teacher literally yelled at him and asked him to leave if he was going to do that again. We had to open the classroom door and all the windows and turn on the fans - it was that bad! The same can be said for people with an ostomy.

Gas is bad enough for normal people who do not have to wear an ostomy pouch, but there is a key difference between flatulence as a normal person and as a person with an ostomy. Normal people can usually control when their gas is coming out by the normal function of their body and digestive system. However, people who have a stoma cannot control when their gas is released into their ostomy pouch, meaning that someone with an ostomy pouch can have a full pouch of gas and not even do anything to stop it. Well, this can create several problems for people with ostomy pouches, especially if they are in any sort of social situations or something like that where it is not easy or acceptable to empty the ostomy pouch full of gas.

That’s why I wanted to take the time to write this article today, so that I can talk about what to do if your ostomy pouch is full of gas and how to prevent a lot of gas from occurring. First off, it is important to note that there are certain things that can bring on a lot of gas in a person. One factor is the type of food that you eat. I am sure that the doctors have informed you on foods that can make you gassier and lead to a full ostomy pouch, but I will quickly go over some of them myself if you are unfamiliar. Certain foods like cabbage, beans, and spicy or hot food can cause a lot of gas to occur in your body.

Also, it can be said that chewing gum or drinking carbonated beverages can also create a lot of gas. Really, anytime you find yourself inhaling a lot of air, while chewing with your mouth open or talking while eating, you will find yourself with a lot of gas on the tail end (pun intended). If you want to avoid having a full ostomy pouch all the time because of your gas, then I suggest you try to find things like I mentioned on a regular basis.

It is also worth mentioning that there are certain types of ostomy pouches made specifically for people who struggle with gas. Some ostomy pouches are drainable, and I am sure we all know that. However, did you know that there are ostomy pouches that are made specifically for people with a lot of gas? That’s right - there are ostomy pouches capable of releasing gas into the air from the pouch. This means that, if you are experiencing a ballooned up ostomy pouch, you can release some of that gas and relieve some of the pressure in the pouch. However, I am sure you are well aware that the gas is going to stink so bad once you release it from the pouch.

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